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People: Artist Constantino Brumidi

From 1855 to 1880, artist Constantino Brumidi decorated the walls and ceilings of the U.S. Capitol in a manner befitting a great public edifice. Brumidi imbued his murals and frescoes at the Capitol with American values, history, and national identity.

Brumidi worked at the Capitol through 6 presidents' terms and 13 Congresses, starting when he was a mature 50 years old. The artist was undeterred by changes in administrations, vocal critics, the turmoil of the Civil War, and his own advancing age. The Senate's collection of Constantino Brumidi sketches, paintings, and personal belongings help inform our understanding of this talented artist and his legacy to the nation.

Touring the Brumidi Corridors (mp4)

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Lola Germon Brumidi
Portrait of a Child with...
Sketch, Death of General...
Sketch, General Mercer's...
Sketch, General Wooster ...
Sketch, George Washingto...
Sketch, History
Sketch, Liberty, Peace, ...
Sketch, Physics
Sketch, Signing of the F...
Sketch, Telegraph
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Brumidi Photograph Album
Constantino Brumidi
Desk, Fall-Front
Magnifying Glass